BooksThe Unraveling, far-future SF novel, Erewhon Books, June 8, 2021.
Dream Askew / Dream Apart, indie roleplaying games
Avery Alder, Buried Without Ceremony, early 2019.
The Ant King and Other Stories, full-length short story collection, Small Beer Press, August 5, 2008.
Anthroptic, art book
Ethan Ham, The Present Group, Spring 2007.
Other Cities, collection of short-shorts, Small Beer Press, 2003.
Short Stories"Thirty Nine Statistically Improbable Signs of the Apocalypse", Gargantua, Spring 2023.
"Three Excerpts From A Manuscript Entitled 'Advice To A Young Person,' In The Hand Of Ishtiris Of Sudden Hailstorm House", Sci Phi Journal, 21 December 2022.
"All Those Guardians of Order and Clarity, None of Them Can Abide a Free Witch", Lightspeed, July 2020.
"Bereft, I Come to a Nameless World", Asimov's, July/August 2020.
"Rejoice, My Brothers and Sisters", F&SF, November/December 2019.
"Network Protocols of Reef Six", Sci Phi Journal, 14 February 2019.
"Later That Day", Persistent Visions, September 16, 2016.
"The First Gate of Logic", Stories For Chip, ed. Nisi Shawl & Bill Campbell, August 3, 2015.
"Tractate Metim 28a", Jews vs. Zombies, ed. Rebecca Levine & Lavie Tidhar, March 19, 2015.
"Fift & Shria", Solaris Rising 3, ed. Ian Whates., August 14th, 2014.
"Feature Development for Social Networking", tor.com, November 13, 2013.
"Elsewhere", Strange Horizons, 18 June 2012.
"Nilly", Daily Science Fiction, February 22nd, 2012 (part of the "Numbers Quartet" with Stephen Gaskell, Aliette de Bodard, and Nancy Fulda).
"Angry Child", Daily Science Fiction, February 8th, 2012 (part of the "Numbers Quartet" with Stephen Gaskell, Aliette de Bodard, and Nancy Fulda).
"Things Exist By Imitation of Numbers", Daily Science Fiction, January 11th, 2012 (part of the "Numbers Quartet" with Stephen Gaskell, Aliette de Bodard, and Nancy Fulda).
"Wife eye, wolf eye", les belles infideles, 2011 (a collaborative web installation with Ethan Ham). -
translated into
French, Japanese, Spanish, Arabic, German, Russian, Korean, Hindi, Chinese, French, Urdu, English, Italian, English, Chinese, Swahili, Russian, English, Arabic, Italian, Spanish, Korean, Arabic, Portugese, Urdu, Urdu, Russian, English, Chinese, German, Korean, Spanish, Portugese, English, Japanese, Japanese, Swahili, Hindi, Hindi, English, Swahili, and ASL
"The Guy Who Worked For Money", shareable.net, July 12, 2010.
"The Frog Comrade", F&SF, Mar/April 2010.
"Nine Alternate Alternate Histories", Other Earths, April 7, 2009.
"Sense and Sensibility", original story in collection, The Ant King and other stories, Small Beer Press, August 2008.
"True Names"
Cory Doctorow, Fast Forward 2, October 2008.
"The King of the Djinn"
David Ackert, Realms of Fantasy, February 2008.
"Molly and the Red Hat", Interzone 213, November, 2007.
David Ackert, F&SF, December 2007.
"Twenty-three Small Disasters"
Christopher Barzak, Elad Haber, Greg van Eekhout, Kiini Ibura Salaam, Meghan McCarron, and Tim Pratt, Ideomancer, Spring 2007.
"The House Beyond Your Sky", Strange Horizons, September 4, 2006.
- shortlisted for the BSFA Award
- made the Locus Recommended Reading List
- finalist for the Hugo Award
- finalist for the Sturgeon Award
- reprinted in The Year's Best Science Fiction: Twenty-Fourth Annual Collection
- reprinted in The Best Science Fiction And Fantasy Of The Year Volume 1
- reprinted in Science Fiction: The Best of the Year, 2007 Edition
- podcast at Escape Pod, May 2007, read by Paul Tevis
- podcast at Beam Me Up, May 2007
- collected in The Ant King and other stories, Small Beer Press, August 2008
- podcast at StarShipSofa, March, 2009
translated into
Japanese, French, Italian, Russian, and Spanish
"A Siege of Cranes", Twenty Epics, July 6, 2006.
"Falling", Nature, September 22, 2005.
"Orphans", McSweeney's, February, 2005.
"Collaborations by Well-Known Twentieth-Century Authors Which Were Rejected By Their Publishers and Are Now Collected"
Paul Melko, Lady Chruchill's Rosebud Wristlet #15, January, 2005.
"One for the Road", (erotica), Clean Sheets, December, 2004.
"Biographical Notes to 'A Discourse on the Nature of Causality, with Air-Planes', by Benjamin Rosenbaum", All-Star Zeppelin Adventure Stories, October, 2004.
- made the Locus Recommended Reading List
- finalist for the Hugo Award
- honorably mentioned in The Year's Best Science Fiction 22
- reprinted in Feeling Very Strange
- podcast at Podcastle, February 12, 2010, read by Graeme Dunlop
- reprinted in a handmade artisanal edition, by Todd Sanders
- reprinted in People of the Book: A Decade of Jewish Science Fiction & Fantasy, December 1, 2011
- reprinted in Other Covenants: Alternate Histories of the Jewish People, December 6, 2022
- collected in The Ant King and other stories, Small Beer Press, August 2008
translated into
Italian and Danish
"Night Waking", Flytrap #3, November 2004 Beam Me Up, February 20, 2010 The Journey Into Podcast, June 2013.
"Start the Clock", F&SF, August 2004.
"The Valley of the Giants", Argosy #1, January/Feburary 2004.
"Embracing-the-New", Asimov's, January, 2004.
"The Blow, a Letter", McSweeney's Issue 11, June 2003.
"Red Leather Tassels", F&SF, August 2003.
"The Death trap of Dr. Nefario", The Infinite Matrix, March 25, 2003.
"The Book of Jashar", Strange Horizons, March 17, 2003.
"The City of Peace", original story in chapbook, Other Cities, 2003.
"Fig", Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet, No. 11, November 2002.
"On the cliff by the river", Infinite Matrix, September 16, 2002.
"The Orange", Quarterly West , Spring/Summer 2002.
- honorably mentioned in The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror 15
- filmed as "The Orange" by Nick Fox-Gieg
- performed onstage at "Selected Shorts" by John Cameron Mitchell
- podcast at Podcastle, July 3, 2009, read by Paul S. Jenkins
- reprinted in Harper's, November 2002
- reprinted in Flash Fiction Forward, 2006
- collected in The Ant King and other stories, Small Beer Press, August 2008
translated into
French, Dutch, Dutch, Farsi, Romanian, and German
"Droplet", F&SF, July 2002.
"The White City", Vestal Review, April 2002.
"Other Cities", Strange Horizons, September 2001 through August 2002.
"The Ant King: A California Fairy Tale", F&SF, July 2001.
"The Duck", Writer Online, January 31, 2001.
"The Dead Letter", Sanctum, 1998 (backstory for online game).
Nonfiction"Doctor Who as the Wandering Jew", talk given in German at PAN Branchentreff 2018 and in English at WiscONLINE 2020.
"Navigating Masculinity: A Roundtable"
Mary Anne Mohanraj, Na'amen Tilahun, Elliott Mason, Jim C. Hines, Jed Hartman, David Moles, and Michael Damian Thomas, The WisCon Chronicles, Vol.9: Intersections and Alliances, ed. Mary Anne Mohanraj, June 1, 2015.
"Goodbye, My Hero", (essay in memory of Octavia Butler), Strange Matings, July, 2013.
"A Conversation Between Writers: Benjamin Rosenbaum and Aimee Bender", Strange Horizons, March 3, 2003.
- Tulák (translation of "Stray")
in Czech edition of F&SF, January 2009
- Pustťe Hodiny (translation of "Start the Clock"), translated by Petr Kotrle
in Czech version of F&SF, January, 2006
Ten, jenž prijímá vše nové (translation of "Embracing-the-New"), translated by Robert Hýsek
in TROCHU DIVNÉ KUSY 2, by Martin Šust and Laser-books, 2006
, also appeared in:
- reprinted in Pevnost, December 2006
- Cervené Kožené Trásne (translation of "Red Leather Tassels"), translated by Jana Recková
in Czech edition of F&SF, May, 2007
- Kapka (translation of "Droplet"), translated by Petr Kotrle
in Czech version of F&SF, Feburary, 2007
Ni alternative alternative historier (translation of "Nine Alternate Alternate Histories"), translated by Lise Andreasen
Strejfer (translation of "Stray"), translated by Lise Andreasen
At falde (translation of "Falling"), translated by Lise Andreasen
Biografiske noter til 'En afhandling om kausalitetens natur (med luftfartøjer)' af Benjamin Rosenbaum (translation of "Biographical Notes to 'A Discourse on the Nature of Causality, with Air-Planes', by Benjamin Rosenbaum"), translated by Lise Andreasen
Vågen i natten (translation of "Night Waking"), translated by Lise Andreasen
Start uret (translation of "Start the Clock"), translated by Lise Andreasen
Favne-Det-Nye (translation of "Embracing-the-New"), translated by Lise Andreasen
Slaget (translation of "The Blow, a Letter"), translated by Lise Andreasen
Doktor Nefarios dødsfælde (translation of "The Death trap of Dr. Nefario"), translated by Lise Andreasen
Lille Dråbe (translation of "Droplet"), translated by Lise Andreasen
Andre byer ("Ylla's Choice" as "Yllas Valg", "New(n) Pernch" as "Ny(n) Pernch", and "Jouiselle-aux-Chantes") (translation of "Other Cities"), translated by Lise Andreasen
Myrekongen - et californisk eventyr (translation of "The Ant King: A California Fairy Tale"), translated by Lise Andreasen
in Start uret, December 2010, Science Fiction Cirklen
Wi-Fi, yes-yes (translation of "Wife eye, wolf eye"), translated by Joseph Harfouch
Wife-Eye, Wolf-I (translation of "Wife eye, wolf eye"), translated by Ernest Woo
The wife's eye. The wolf's eye (translation of "Wife eye, wolf eye"), translated by Katie Collins
WIFE'S EYE, WOLF'S EYE (translation of "Wife eye, wolf eye"), translated by Anitha Gomathy
Wolf Eye, Wife Eye (translation of "Wife eye, wolf eye"), translated by Nikki Schletz
Eye of the Woman, Eye of the Wolf (translation of "Wife eye, wolf eye"), translated by Judith Prince
Wifi Oui-Oui (translation of "Wife eye, wolf eye"), translated by Sonia Quemener
Wife-eye, Wolf-eye (translation of "Wife eye, wolf eye"), translated by Franck Muller
La maison derrière le ciel (translation of "The House Beyond Your Sky"), translated by Florence Dolisi
in Angle Mort, Février 2011
Relancer l'Horloge (translation of "Start the Clock"), translated by Sonia Quémener
in Fiction, tome 10, 25 septembre 2009
L'Orange (translation of "The Orange"), translated by Michaël La Chance
The Unraveling, translated by Wolfgang Thon
in Piper Verlag, May 2, 2018
Von nun an W-Lan (translation of "Wife eye, wolf eye"), translated by Wolfgang Gösweiner
Das Auge der Frau. Das Auge des Wolfes. (translation of "Wife eye, wolf eye"), translated by Stephanie M. Schnabel
Der Mann, der für Geld arbeitet (translation of "The Guy Who Worked For Money"), translated by Michael Drecker
- Irrlicht (translation of "Stray"), translated by Annika Ochner
in Pandora #4, Fruehjahr 2010, with illustrations by Sabine Freiermuth
Freier Fall (translation of "Falling"), translated by Michael Drecker
Die Orange (translation of "The Orange"), translated by Klasse 2E, Gymnasium am Münsterplatz, Basel
पत्नी की आंख, भेड़िये की आंख (translation of "Wife eye, wolf eye"), translated by Durba Banerjee
पत्नी की आँख, भेड़िये की आँख(वाईफ आई, वुल्फ आई) (translation of "Wife eye, wolf eye"), translated by Ashutosh Mitra
वुल्फ-आय, वुल्फ-आई (Wolf-eye, Wolf-I) (translation of "Wife eye, wolf eye"), translated by Surya Samaddar
Dream Askew / Dream Apart, translated by Moreno Roncucci, illus. by Michela da Sacco
in Narrativa, October 2022
D’ora in avanti è l’evo della W-Lan (translation of "Wife eye, wolf eye"), translated by Valentina Ferreri
Wi-Fi, sì-sì (translation of "Wife eye, wolf eye"), translated by Eleonora Marrani
La casa oltre il cielo (translation of "The House Beyond Your Sky"), translated by Elisabetta Vernier
in Robot, Giugno 2008
- Un volo di gru (translation of "A Siege of Cranes"), translated by Davide Mara
in Alia, March 2011
Note biografiche a 'Una dissertazione sulla natura della causalità, con aero-plani' di Benjamin Rosenbaum (translation of "Biographical Notes to 'A Discourse on the Nature of Causality, with Air-Planes', by Benjamin Rosenbaum"), translated by Francesco Lato
in Robot #48, Spring 2005
Other Cities, translated by Yoshio Kobayashi, , illus. by Hidenori Watanave
in Hayakawa SF, June 2004
ワイフ・アイ、ウルフ・アイ (translation of "Wife eye, wolf eye"), translated by Takashi Ogawa
Wi-Fi, yes-yes (translation of "Wife eye, wolf eye"), translated by Yasutomo Kaze
ワイフの目とウルフの目 (translation of "Wife eye, wolf eye"), translated by Tomoko Nishi
モリーと赤い帽子 (translation of "Molly and the Red Hat"), translated by Takashi Ogawa (Yoshio Kobayashi)
in 26to50, July, 2009
- The House Beyond Your Sky, translated by Yoshio Kobayashi
in Hayakawa SF, August, 2007
- Embracing-the-New, translated by Kazuko Onoda
in Hayakawa SF, June, 2006
- The Ant King: A California Fairy Tale, translated by Yoshio Kobayashi
in Hayakawa SF, August 2008
Otras Ciudades (translation of Other Cities), translated by Mariano Martin, illus. by Hidenori Watanave
in Delirio, March 13, 2014
El ojo de la esposa, el ojo del lobo (translation of "Wife eye, wolf eye"), translated by Natalia Pedrosa
De ahora en adelante es la era de la W-Lan (translation of "Wife eye, wolf eye"), translated by Raquel Fernandez
El ojo de la mujer. El ojo del lobo. (translation of "Wife eye, wolf eye"), translated by F?tima Sayyad-Hernando
La casa más allá de tu cielo (translation of "The House Beyond Your Sky"), translated by Luis Pestarini
in Cuásar 45, forthcoming
- Abraza-lo-nuevo (translation of "Embracing-the-New")
in Asimov Ciencia Ficción 12, forthcoming
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