Sunday, October 29, 2000
Hey, this was a pretty productive weekend! I think maybe this journal
is helping raise my productivity -- it's motivating to be able to come
here and brag. ;-)
Since we last spoke, I:
Sent "Corporate Anthropology" off to get critted from the RMCrit online
critique group. This is the closest thing I have to an honest-to-goodness
straightforwardly-narrated tale of adventure in a mildly plausible, speculative-fiction
future -- the only thing I have that John
W.Campbell might have even looked at (though he would presumably have
grunted disapprovingly at the protagonist's wishy-washy indecisveness --
cf. GVG's editorial
this month). Most of my stuff is much more Joseph Campbell than John W.
The first batch of people who read "Corporate Anthropology" found it confusing.
Most of them weren't serious spec fic fans, though, so I'm interested to
see whether the RMCrit folk have a clearer take on what about it is confusing.
Finished my latest scene for Crimp, the horror novel. Short, but creepy.
Dang, I never knew I was this twisted until my friend Ramin (aka David
Ackert) made me write horror with him....
I figured out why Amra's life is in danger. Amra, in case you've forgotten,
is the symbiote in the aliens-with-no-humans story. The idea that her life
was in danger popped out on the page when I was trying to write something
else altogether. When stuff like that happens, I don't like to argue --
I figure my subconscious knows what it's doing. But I couldn't write any
further because I didn't know what the hell was going on. Today I figured
it out -- it took me so long because it's such a Harlequin romance answer.
So now I appear to be writing an aliens-with-no-humans bodice-ripper. Hey,
don't ask me, I'm just along for the ride.
I started another story. In my last journal entry, I claimed that "I'm
really not at all interested in doing medieval-Western-Europe-with-magic,"
i.e., the traditional High Fantasy setting. Of course, perverse creature
that I am, as soon as I wrote that I started wondering -- is that true?
Am I really not interested in that? What would make it interesting? And
so, while trying to avoid writing Crimp, I started another fairy tale,
"The King Who Ran Away."
As far as being inspired to indulge in High Fantasy goes, it probably helped
that I received the first issue of Black
Gate, the new pro fantasy mag. It's very cool! Some neat stories, including
an excerpt from a new Moorcock von Bek novel. High Fantasy set during the
Holocaust -- now that's ballsy.
Also, I am now a Web