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On children yelling when you wash their hair (This was in a facebook thread a while back, and I thought I would blog it, and, as so many things do, it ended up hanging around in the Drafts folder. Here it is, shorn of all its original context...) We have a dual role in our childrens' lives. We are the source of non-negotiable hard things, and we are the source of comfort in the face of those hard things. It is sometimes confusing to inhabit these two opposing roles. But really you get to feel great both about making sure [your kid] has clean hair, and that he has someone near him who loves him when he is enduring hard things. (Of course, this was a thread about little kids. My kids are now much too big to allow anyone else to wash their hair! But the principles apply in their own way to big kids, and to adults, too: sometimes we support people best by requiring things of them -- sometimes these things unleash tempests of emotions. If we can stick to our guns and also hold onto a big, compassionate, loving view of the person we are confronting, it is a great and generous gift. This is as true of rejecting a manuscript as it is of insisting on dishes being cleared...) Posted by benrosen at June 25, 2013 07:19 PM | Up to blogComments
I think you have a lovely ideology on this. And I cracked up so hard just now picking which type of entity I was! Thanks so much for that much needed laugh. New fan for life! Can't wait to read on down your blog. Posted by: Janel at August 8, 2013 08:01 AMWelcome Janel! Glad you liked it, and I'm glad you were able to resolve the existential dilemma about what kind of entity, if any, you are... Posted by: Benjamin Rosenbaum at August 8, 2013 07:37 PM |