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"The Ant King: A California Fairy Tale" under Creative Commons Noncommercial-Attribution-Sharealike This was the first story I ever sold -- the check arrived on my 30th birthday, in the year 2000. I was confused by the envelope. I was expecting my plain white, self-addressed, stamped envelope back, with a rejection letter in it. Instead, it was one of those commercially printed window envelopes, with my name, printed, showing through the window. It looked like a bill, and I stood there, puzzled, thinking, "but I just renewed my F&SF subscription a month ago..." And then I stooped, squinting, and hardly dared to believe the words: "pay to the order of..." I still like the story. As absurdist stories with magical gumballs go, I think it's a pretty accurate record of the time and place that inspired it. And recently someone pointed out that you can't find it anywhere, and I really ought to CC it. So here it is, for your reading, forwarding, and remixing pleasure. Put it on party balloons and t-shirts. Create rock operas about it. Write sequels. Translate it into American Sign Language. (And, as usual, if you find yourself in danger of making money off it, drop me a line.) So here it is: The Ant King: A California Fairy Tale Posted by benrosen at July 8, 2006 06:30 PM | Up to blogComments
Typo: Oh god, youre mothers going to kill me, Monique said. Posted by: Anon at July 9, 2006 03:25 AMIt would be great to offer a PDF document also for downloading and printing. Many thanks for relasing the story under a CC lincense. Posted by: Pablo Rodríguez at July 9, 2006 04:37 AMI thought it was a great story - particularly the yellow bird bit, for some reason. came via boingboing Posted by: james henry at July 9, 2006 06:16 AMHere it is in Plucker format for Palm devices. TheAntKing.pdb Posted by: dave at July 9, 2006 10:34 AMThanks Anon! I wonder if the typo was in F&SF as well. Now fixed.
Pablo, I don't have the tools to create PDF, but if someone else wants to...? :-) Posted by: Benjamin Rosenbaum at July 9, 2006 10:29 PMActually, the bird and rod are from the first computer adventure game, "Adventure" by Will Crowther and Don Woods, 1976 - now called "Original Adventure" or "Colossal Cave Adventure", and the inspiration for Zork. Posted by: Andrew Pam at July 10, 2006 10:50 AMhttps://sourceforge.net/projects/pdfcreator/ is a free PDF creator for Windows. Posted by: John at July 10, 2006 11:09 AMI've made a PDF: https://pleione.rz.uni-mannheim.de/~kotnik/TheAntKingACaliforniaFairyTale.pdf There is a lot of crap on the Internet, as anyone who spends much time enjoying it knows. This, though, was really fantastic, figuratively and literally. Thank you! Also, there's a tiny typo: Im not sure, sir. Hes quite busy these days, with out acquisition of Suriname. Not to presume or anything, but that should be "our acquisition". -Joe Ardent @ joe at ardent dot nebcorp dot com Posted by: Joe Ardent at July 10, 2006 10:01 PMThanks John, kotnik, and Joe! Typo fixed, and I will link the PDF to the blog post. This is what I love about getting BoingBoinged... :-) Posted by: Benjamin Rosenbaum at July 10, 2006 10:40 PMloved it. thanks Posted by: leonie at July 10, 2006 11:42 PM |